Tuesday, December 08, 2009

HSBC redaction issues

Apparently the U.S. arm of international banking conglomerate HSBC had some problems with its redaction software. The bank recently announced it would be upgrading its capture app after at least one person complained that certain elements in their bankruptcy filing, which were supposed to be kept private, were made accessible to the public. We've written about weak redaction software practices in the past, which enable users to cut and paste the redacted material and have it show up in something like a word-processing file. (There was an embarrassing DoD incident a few years back). There is plenty of redaction software out there that can prevent this from happening, but apparently not everyone reads DIR. HSBC could have saved themselves a lot of money.

Apparently, the TSA made a similar screw-up recently as well.


Document Capture said...

It is interesting how document redaction apps dont have safeguards after all the negative press.

DIReditor said...

I think most good redaction apps do. I'm assuming this must have been some legacy stuff that someone was too unaware to update before these fiascoes hit.

Document Imaging Solution said...

One of the leading bank HSBC are not aware about its redaction software. But good to hear that "the bank recently announced it would be upgrading its capture app after at least one person complained that certain elements in their bankruptcy filing, which were supposed to be kept private, were made accessible to the public". This step will help the bank.